6 months since I saw you and Im now living in Thailand 100% smoke-free, Im back at the gym and life is good. Cheers
Daria, Brisbane, January 2025
Hello Ann-Marie, you saw me just before Christmas and sorry for the delay, but just wanted to let you know that I have remained smoke free, even during the family camping trip. That now makes me, Mum & Dad smoke -free. I just need to work on the sisters. Thank you
Ray, Brisbane, January 2025
You probably don't remember us, but we certainly remember you. it is 10 years today since we both saw you. We went from a packet a day to nothing. We were in our mid fifties then and decided to put the additional money saved into our Superannuation, that was over $20,000 a year, for the last 10 year. We are both about to retire in a couple of years and after getting financial advise we really want to thank you. You have helped us to be able to achieve the lifestyle that we have alway wanted at retirement. You are worth you weight in gold. Thank you
Helen & Mark, Brisbane, October 2024
Hi there, just checking in. It's been just over a month since my session and pleased to report that I have not picked up a vape, nor do I want to. Looks like I won't be needing to see you again
Kevin, Gold Coast, September 2024
3 months and going strong. My sister saw you last week and is doing well. Thank you
Brigette Brisbane, September, 2024
I had one session and nearly 3 years later have not had a smoke. Highly recommend, it actually works. I was a packet a day smoker to 0 a day immediately after our session
Steven , Brisbane, June 2024
Hi Ann-Marie, one month in and I rarely think about smoking anymore, even with a beer or ten
Andrew Brisbane,June 2024
Thanks, I'm doing it easy, my only wish is that I saw you years ago.
Rod Brisbane, June 2024
A big thanks to you and what you do. I don't know how it works but it doesn't matter I am now smoke free
Christine, Gold Coast May 2024
Hi, 3 months today since I saw you . I won't be needing that follow up session as I am now a nonsmoker
Allan Brisbane,April 2024
5 weeks in. Thankyou from a very happy non-smoker
Ray, Brisbane, April 2024
Morning , one month in and all well with both or us, thank you
Cherry & Bruce , Gold Coast, March 2024
Hi Ann-Marie, I wanted to let you know that Im doing well, go figure, remember how skeptical I was
Mark Gold Coast, March 2024
3 months down and going strong, just a quick text to let you know and thank you
Leona, Gold Coast, Jan 2024
Happy couple here, its 6 months today since we saw you, this is amazing for us and our family, For an $800 cost for the both of us, we figure we will be saving $35,000 every year. We've promised the kids a trip to Disneyland. This is all thanks to you, you're amazing. Thank you so much.
JJ & Jeanine, Zoom Sessions, Jan 2024
Hi, hope you're well. We are just back from 2 weeks in Bali, saw sooooo many smokers and Im glad to say I am a non smoker
Jane, Brisbane, January 2024
Hi Ann-Marie, checking in to let you know one month in and I rarely think about smoking anymore
Andrew Brisbane, Nov 2023
THanks champ, a very happy ex smoker here. I tell everyone I can to give you a go
Lee Brisbane, Nov 2023
A big thanks to you. Jim has just hit 6 months and going strong. After my little hiccup and our second session so am I . Wishing you all the best, you've changed our lives
Kayla, Gold Coast October 2023
Just a quick email to let you know one month in and Im doing great....Wifey said to thank you...so a big thank you from both of us
Allan Brisbane, October 2023
5 years this month since you helped me and the mrs, we can't thank you enough...Ive lost cont of how many people Ive told about you. Thanks so much
Michael, Brisbane, September 2023
Morning Ann-Marie, David and I are doing great
Jen & Dave Gold Coast August 2023
Hi Ann-Marie, I wanted to let you know that Im doing well, Mums coming to see you next week (shes skeptical lol).....Thank you
Louise, Gold Coast July 2023
It 2 years today since we saw you. We are just about to take off in the van we bought. Going around Australia, thanks to you. PS alot of campers smoke
Julie and David, Gold Coast, July 2023
Happy non-smoker here, hope you have a great day. A big thanks from me and the kids (they are so happy)
Pam, July 2023
Day 21 and going great
Elliot, Brisbane, July 2023
Ive just hit one month, and never felt better.Im recommending you to everyone that I know
Jennie, Brisbane, June 2023
Morning Ann-Marie, Thanks for everything, it worked
Dee, Gold Coast June 2023
Hi Ann-Marie, I wanted to let you know how well Im doing since I saw you 2 months ago. No desire to smoke at all and Im loving the freedom of being a non-smoker! I havent gained weight either.....Thank you so much
Collette, Gold Coast May 2023
Not smoking, I know Ive got this...minimal and manageable cravings
Thomas, Zoom Session, March 2023
Thank you, from one very happy non-smoker
Dianne, March 2023
Much easier than I thought - 12 days in .
John, Brisbane, Jan 2023
Wow, just wow....thank you, Ive just hit one month, and PS my brother is doing great too. Thanks
Jack, Brisbane, Jan 2023
Hi Ann-Marie, after a shitty week at work and a few drinks last night I thought I would message you to say ALLL GREAT
Megan, Gold Coast, Nov 2022
Thanks for our session. Doing well in week 2
Dani, Gold Coast, Oct 2022
Best money ever spent, thank you, 1 week and down form 40 a day to 0
Roslyn, Brisbane 2022, September 2022
Pat here, 2 weeks in and no pot, all good, thanks
Pat, Gold Coast August 2022
Just wanted to let you know Im doing awesome. Should have seen you years ago. Thanks
Henry, Gold Coast, July 2022
1 year smoke free today....woo hoo Thanks so much Ann-Marie days smoke free and going strong, can still have a drink
Jane, Brisbane, June 2022
Ann-Marie had helped3 members of my family so after discussing it with my wife, we decided that we had nothing to lose. We drove from Hervey Bay to the Brisbane Office and Im pleased to say that after our sessions that now makes 5 of our family members, which means no-one in our family smokes anymore. That was 6 months ago. I recommend Ann-Marie's services to anyone that is serious about stopping, she's a Champion!
Walters and clan, Brisbane June 2022
Hi Ann-Marie, I wanted to let you know how well Im doing since I saw you 2 months ago. No desire to smoke at all and Im loving the freedom of being a non-smoker! I havent gained weight either.....Thank you so much
Collette, Gold Coast May 2022
Not smoking, thanks, sorry it took so long to make contact
Hugh, Zoom Session, March 2022
Thank you, I will never smoke again
Kim, March 2022
I am doing well. I have had drinks with my friends and haven't smoked, I have thought about it at times but not acted on it. Thank you.
Helene, Brisbane, Jan 2022
I saw you on Thursday 14 Jan, 2022. I haven't had a smoke since. I know it hasn't ben 2 weeks yet, but, I already feel better about myself and food is starting to taste better.
Russell, Brisbane, Jan 2022
Hi there Ann-Marie, well its over 2 weeks now and not 1, I am doing well, much easier than I thought
Lyn, Gold Coast, Nov 2021
Hi Ann-Marie, Kirk , the skeptic here (lol), have not smoked for 12 days and going strong. Thanks for our session.
Kirk, Gold Coast, Oct 2021
Best money ever spent, 1 month smoke free today. If you are reading this, do yourself a favour go see Ann-Marie, dont hesitate...just do it
John, Brisbane 2021, September 2021
Nick here, 1 week in and doing well
Nick, Gold Coast August 2021
I hope you are having a good week, just a quick email to let you know Im doing well, minimal cravings, just a thought that goes away quickly, Thanks
Nat, Brisbane, July 2021
45 days smoke free and going strong, can still have a drink with my wife and her smoking doesnt bother me. Hopefully she'll come and see you when she is ready
Mike, Brisbane, June 2021
I've been meaning to write to you some time. Nearly 3 months off the dirty fags, money saved, joined a gym. Didnt really think I could do it but I have..thanks to you. Much appreciated. 25 years of smoking gone. Woo Hoo. Thank you Thank you Thank you
Adele. Brisbane, June 2021
Hi there, 7 days since I've seen you and minimal cravings....Not bad from 40 a day! Thankyou
Rina, Gold Coast, May 2021
Greatest thing I have ever done went to Ann-Marie on May 1 2021 don’t regret going for 1 minute don’t even think of smoking anymore thanks Ann-Marie
Christopher, Brisbane, My 2021
One week cigarette free! Words cannot describe how surprised and proud I am. Thank you for your advice, time and magic
Hayleigh, Brisbane Feb 2021
Hi, Its Josh. Just letting you know that Im doing good still and have not had a cigarette, and feeling good.
Josh, Gold Coast, Jan 2021
Hi Ann-Marie, I hope you are having a good week. Just checking in. So far so good! Still get a slight urge but my trigger color and proud moment are working well. Im 50,000 times more productive at work too. Thanks again. I wish you all the best.
Kate, Brisbane, Jan 2021
Hi, just touching base to say thank you, 19 days smoke-free now. If only I knew it was going to be this easy I would have done it many years ago
Vicki, Gold Coast , Nov 2020
I am very good, thanks for asking and in a very good place, there is no need for a follow-up session. Much appreciated that you followed up
Caroline, Gold Coast , Sept 2020
Hope you are well. Just a quick thank you for your work, Im 7 weeks 3 days smoke free. Thank you!!!!
Anna, Brisbane, Sept 2020
Hi. Two weeks today not smoking. Alot easier than I thought. Thankyou
Kevin, Gold Coast, Aug 2020
Hi there Ann-Marie, well its over 2 weeks now and no fags, I am doing well
Lynley, Gold Coast, Aug 2020
Hi Ann-Marie, I have not smoked for 9 days and going strong. Thanks for our session.
Erin, Gold Coast, Aug 2020
Hi, It's been 3 months now and going really well, a friends wife is coming to see you on the weekend, I've passed your details to alot of people wanting to give up the fags - knowing that you will be able to help them like you helped me. Thank you again.
Kerry, Brisbane, April 2020
I am doing amazingly since I met you. I haven’t touched one cigarette. I can’t believe it to be honest.
I found it hard at the beginning, more of the routine but now I rarely think about having one. I can honestly say I don’t believe I will ever touch a cigarette again.
Thank you for your email and checking in with me.
Jenny, Brisbane, April 2020
I am happy to say that I most likely will not need to take advantage of the ‘follow-up’ session – thank you! As we spoke of immediately after your treatment, the first couple of weeks were more comfortable than I anticipated; however, still required a small amount of self-discipline. Thereafter, have not really had any inclination to drift backward to smoking at all and very rarely find any thoughts of smoking, even when in a smoking environment (very rare in the past two weeks!). I have also been able to largely avoid the inevitable weight gain due to distraction snacking ( your treatment made that unnecessary!) and metabolic adjustment (daily home-gym workouts and aerobic exercise – getting fit again!).
So, I recall at our session I rather smugly declared myself a sceptic of treatment. Seems I need to eat humble pie and say ‘many thanks’ for your SUCCESSFUL treatment and support. Add another non-smoker to your record.
Jerry Brisbane, April 2020
Hi Ann-Marie, Everything is going just as you said and I want to say an enormous thank you, I cannot believe that I am a month and two days into this and I am so happy that I have made it this far.. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart.
Kim Gold Coast, March 2020
I hope you are well. I know it's not officially 7 days until 11am tomorrow but wanted to let you know I've made it this far....Thank you so much! I can tell you right now...I wouldn't have made it this far without your help. Even with your help..I found it a bit of a struggle the first 3 days and occupied myself eating....lol. I feel a lot more settled now but no doubt I will continue to hear that suggestive little voice for a while yet. It was a real pleasure to meet you and I can't t hank you enough!
Sally, Brisbane, March 2020
1 month smoke-free today. Thankyou Ann-Marie
Kurt, Gold Coast, March 2020
Doing good Ann-Marie. Haven't touched a smoke since our appointment. Thankyou, its been over 2 weeks now
Chris, Gold Coast, February 2020
Hey Ann-Marie, I just wanted to let you know, still smokefree!! Eaten enough mentos for a lifetime though :) I feel a lot stronger about it this time. I am at work and getting yelled at to do all sorts of things at once. When I spoke up and said I can only do one thing at a time. The response was, "Well go and have a cigarette then if you're going to be bitchy!"
But I bit my tongue and did NOT go and have one!! Thank you!!
Carissa, Gold Coast, February 2020
Hi Ann-Marie, I just wanted to send an email to say thanks again for the session on the 01st February.
My mindset has totally changed about smoking and i am so confident that i given up for life,
thanks so much i don't think i could of done this without your help.Thanks
Kind Regards,
Linda, Brisbane, February 2020
Good afternoon Ann-Marie, on the 19/9/2018, I came into yr clinic a chain smoker & walked out like I have never smoked in my life, the great job you have done, I cannot touch a pack of smokes without cringing or not get on social media as it was one of my habits, well I’d Like to thank you , on another note I have a older friend from Sydney coming up hoping to book an appointment with your at your GC office sometime next week please, the lady’s name is C her number is XXXXXXXXX
Kathleen, Gold Coast, January 2020
"I am so grateful to you Ann-Marie. All those years of smoking and all those times trying to stop. One trip to Ann-Marie and havent had another one. Give it a go guys!!!! She is fantastic"
Lynley, Gold Coast, October 2019
"You'll be please to know that I haven't smoked since I left your office......I just don't even think about it, which is the reason why its taken so long to get back to you. I don't know how you did it but I left and don't feel nor am fazed by seeing, smelling and anything to do with cigarettes - its truly amazing. I'd like to say thank-you again for helping me become a non-smoker"
Meagan, Brisbane, September 2019
"My husband and I are both 1 yr smoke free this month. If you are ready to quit, go to this lady"
Karen E, Gold Coast, August 2019
"I'm 1 yr, 2months in and never felt as good. Giving up the 30 yr habit has been the best decision that I have ever made. My health is great and Im as fit as a fiddle. Not even tempted to g back. Do yourself a favour and book yourself in. I saved the cost in 2 weeks, do the math"
James C, Gold Coast August 2019
" We have been smoke free now for three weeks...can't believe how good it worked...You are one great lady in our eyes..thank you so much from me and John...47yrs of SMOKING gone... bless you Ann-Marie"
Helen W, Brisbane May 2019
"I've been smoke free for a week now! Ann-marie is so lovely and will talk you through the process and any concerns you have! was 100% happy and confident I could quit for good when I walked out! thank you for changing my life".
Amy R, Brisbane March 2019
"Just letting you know that Im doing well, no smokes at all, the thought is still there but goes quick but Im doing really well"
Jeremy H, Brisbane March 2019
"15 days smoke free. Thank you so much, going great so far"
Kerri T, Hervey Bay March 2019
"Hey, going great, haven't had a smoke since before I saw you 3 weeks ago"
Chris S, Hervey Bay March 2019
" Just wanted to let you know that in 4 days I'll be 5 months smoke free and am so happy and can't even handle the smell anymore, so thank you so much Ann-Marie, you have definitely changed my life".
Rebecca S, Gold Coast Jan 2019
" Got through holidays no worries, Ann-Marie. Plenty of drinking, golf, fishing and other smokers around. Thanks Again"
Hugh L, North QLD Jan 2019
" HI Ann-Marie, just wanted to let you know Im going great, haven't had a smoke since my session on 2/11/18"
Dean F, Gold Coast Dec 2018
"Just letting you know that I am STILL A NON-SMOKER!!!!!! I can't believe how well I have adapted to not smoking. I don't bother about rushing for my coffee in the morning and sitting outside having it. Instead I go down for breakfast just before I leave. I am also drinking a lot less wine too. I certainly do have the occasional craving but they last about 10 seconds. I can't wait to get fit and get all the gunk out of my lungs, Thanks soooooo much"
Janine S, Gold Coast October 2018
"Hi there, Mel here, everything is going great and Im still not smoking...thanks heaps"
Mel M, Brisbane October 2018
"Hi Ann-Marie, just giving an update. All good with not smoking, even after a boozy weekend I have no interest in having a puff. Thank you"
Brett B, Gold Coast September 2018
"Hi, I am smoke free since I saw you for the follow-up appointment, thank you so much"
Leonie C, Gold Coast June 2018
" Just touching base to let you know that Im still going strong and not smoking. I have found it a little difficult to break routine habits however I am not climbing walls with anxiety or mood swings. Thank-you for your assistance and help with allowing this to happen"
Vicki S, Gold Coast June 2018
"Im just wanting to let you know that everything is awesome. I haven't smoked or even thought about smokes since our session and will always be greatly indebted to you for helping me to stop smoking. Thank you so very much from one grateful, relieved, satisfied and extremely happy client"
Richard H, Brisbane June 2018
Hi Ann-Marie I have been meaning to message you and as you can imagine life is busy. I started smoking around 35 years ago when it was cool and have now been smoke free since 19th May 2016, on that day I saw you in Brisbane being as sceptical as everyone is, thinking yeah yeah this isn’t going to work on me. Little did I know after our chat that I was extremely suggestible and it worked so well I haven’t touched a cigarette since and can’t stand the smell. I would highly recommend this service for anybody wanting to quit. Thanks so much!!!!!"
Cheryl H, Brisbane June 2018
"Best $290 I had ever spent. My last smoke was 14 months ago and I feel great, and so does my bank balance"
Bev O, Brisbane April 2018
"Hey Ann-Marie, just thought that I would let you know that since I saw you in November last year I am still smoke free, so thank you very much"
Adam A, Gold Coast, March 2018
"We want to thank you, again, for seeing us in mid December. I am happy to report that we are sill both non-smokers :-) and so happy. Can't wait to see what this year brings in health and happiness. Thanks again"
Lisa & Gregg, NSW, Jan 2018
"I have not had a smoke since 26/6/17 and my wife hasn't whinged since then.
Roy B, Brisbane, Jan 2018
I know what my New Years wish is! That you help to make everyone that wants to stop smoking, stop smoking"
Dale R, Brisbane. Jan 2018
"2 weeks in & all good. I rarely think about it and when I do it's gone in no time, thank you"
Hugh L, Central Queensland, Dec 2017
"Just to let you know, I am still not smoking, now 3.5 months. THANKS"
Helen C, Gold Coast, Dec 2017
"Good Morning Ann-Marie. My sister and I came to see you in early November and I just wanted to let you know that we have both been very successful in quitting. I have recently had my teeth done and I'm feeling fantastic. Thank-you very much for your program and your genuine nature. You are a lovely lady and I appreciate your help. I know that I could not have succeeded on my own, and you deserve the credit. THANK YOU".
Jodi B, Gold Coast, Nov 2017
"Not smoking is going well :-) I don't want one and other people smoking doesn't bother me. Thank you"
Margaret C, Brisbane, November 2017
"I smoked for 30yrs and I've had one session with Anne-Marie it will be 7weeks this coming Saturday and i feel like i have never smoked i have no interest in it all i was a sceptic about this but it realy works. THANKYOU Anne-Marie you have turned my life around"
-Brett W, Brisbane, September 2017
"I successfully quit smoking after one session with Ann-Marie. For the last 13 years I smoked a packet a day, I have now gone over two weeks without a cigarette. After the session I still thought about smoking, but it was much easier to push these thoughts to the back of my mind. I found myself thinking about smoking less and less, and now I don't think about them at all. Hypnotherapy wasn't a magic wand; quitting still required some will power but it certainly gave me the boost I needed to be successful this time.
I'm now a happy (and somewhat richer) non-smoker. I definitely recommend Ann-Marie's approach, it is very gentle and it certainly works."
Shelley, F, Gold Coast, September, 2017.
" Ann-Marie, you treated me nearly 12 months ago, 27th Oct 2016 and I haven't had a cigarette since that day. I've been meaning to contact you for ages to sincerely thank you. I've told a lot of people how and where I did it , of course not all take action straight away,but that's ok, when they are ready they will. You may remember L and T, T being a good friend of mine and J my wife's work mate just recently saw you and I believe she is still doing well. I'm totally over the moon about the success of this and my wife and I still can’t believe that I've stopped. I look at smokers now and feel sorry for them as they have to go to further extremes to smoke now. Also I can hear them coming with the cough and going past with the smell. Again from the bottom of my heart thank you."
- Brett D, Brisbane, September, 2017
"Best assistance in giving up the smokes. This clinic helped my partner and I. Great Hypnotherapist, highly recommend"
Shelley S, Brisbane, July, 2017
"I started smoking at 13 behind the ballet hall, thinking that we were all too cool.
After a number of failed attempts to stop smoking over the years, finally at age 47 I thought I would give it another go. Not only was it costing me a small fortune at $35 per day that is over $200 per week and more than $10,000 per annum. It is no longer socially acceptable in Australia and more and more I was the only smoker and outcast.
I wanted to start to get fit and healthy in 2017 and knew that I didn’t have the will power to go cold turkey or to use the patches and other pharmaceutical products.
After a google search I researched Hypnosis and whether or not it was successful or not.
The session took approximately 1.5 hours and felt like 5 minutes. I was sceptical and in two minds about it and left there thinking that I may have just blown my money as I didn’t feel any different… was I supposed to?
The next 3 days weren’t easy, but they certainly weren’t as difficult as they had been before. Day 3 was my hardest and my mind struggled with it as I fought the demons in my head (there was still no physical withdrawal symptoms though). By day 4 it was getting easier and now I am 6 months down the track I rarely think about them. Of coarse they come into my mind from time to time and it’s funny because I still find it hard to believe that I have actually quit and can’t stand the smell of it if I am in a public place, I can assure you that I never would have thought that would be the case for me. The great news is, I am off to Italy for a holiday in August with the money I’ve saved.
Don’t hesitate, pick up the phone and just do it, it actually works with Ann-Marie"
Amanda B, Brisbane, June, 2017
"A big thank you for helping me to stop smoking. I meant to email you ages ago as I gave up in early 2016 after seeing you (Ann-Marie) in Brisbane. I had tried patches, gum, sprays, cold turkey and god knows what else. The longest I have ever gone with out a cigarette prior to our hypnosis session was a week...I walked in a sceptic, which some how you picked up on...and I haven't had a cigarette since. Sure I had to put in a bit of work myself, but this was by far the easiest attempt I've had...and I am 100% positive that I will never go near them again"
- Chris H, Brisbane, March, 2017
"I stopped smoking by going to this clinic, and trust me I struggled for years to stop. I've tried everything. I went there a heavy smoker and walked out a non-smoker. I don't crave, theres no self tap to stay off of them, I simply live a life now unchained to my old addiction"
Tracey G, Gold Coast March 2017
"1 year today I am celebrating being a non-smoker. I walked in a heavy smoker and walked out a non-smoker. It is the best thing I have could have done and wish I could have done so years ago. Painless and so effective, just go for it. Thanks again"
Susan C, Gold Coast, March, 2017
"Hi Ann-Marie, Thanks again for my session last week. I found the whole process - from initial call - to be professional and inspiring. I've been thrilled with the result as I've transitioned immediately into being a non-smoker. I feel absaloutely great and have already recommended your service to my friends"
Rachel S, Gold Coast, Feb, 2017
"Absolutely recommend. This method is the only way that's helped me stop smoking"
Tracey G, Gold Coast, Jan, 2017
“Hi Ann-Marie, I ‘ve been a smoker since the age of 13 back in the 1970s with personal stresses and diagnosed depression over more recent years. My scepticism of using hypnosis to quit smoking was high to say the least. Numerous other attempts had failed IE: patches, gum and cold turkey all lasted only a very short time. Since meeting you and utilising your services I am now cigarette free for nearly 2 months. There are the occasional cravings but they quickly pass. Though awake / alert through our sessions the message must have gotten through. The thought of having a cigarette and furthermore buying a packet now seems like it would be a really stupid act. I am now 55 years old and a Non – smoker.
Thanks again”.
Bruce, Brisbane, Jan, 2017
" 10 weeks tomorrow ciggi free :-) "
Joyce, Gold Coast 2016
“I’m up to 2 months without a smoke!! Thank you so much Ann-Marie!! You are amazing. We smashed it!! So grateful..have already saved over $1,500”.
Sally, Brisbane, 2016
“If you are considering hypnotherapy to stop smoking, you must see Ann-Marie. After smoking for more than 30 years I walked out a non-smoker and haven’t looked back. Ann-Marie really cares about people and it showed throughout my session
Thankyou Ann-Marie, you have changed my families life”.
– Veronica, Brisbane, 2016
“I am writing to thankyou for your session which helped me stop smoking. I was smoking 50 per day and I have tried many different ways of stopping in the past, this is the easiest and most effective by far.
I have never considered having a cigarette since your session with me. Also I feel cleaner, my breathing is much better and I feel better in general.
Once again thanks for helping me”.
Ross, Gold Coast, 2016
“I’m not sure how it worked Ann-Marie but it did…..6 months smoke free, and I don’t even think about them”.
Jen, the non smoker Gold Coast, 2016
“Thank you for not giving up on me!!! I saw you in January 2016 at Coorparoo, and did great for nearly 3 months....then one stupid night (with a couple of wines) I chose to have just one....I reluctantly called Ann-Marie, with my tail between my legs for another appointment....and she didn't make me feel bad at all....She got me in the following week, I expected to pay and she wouldn't take any money...Great service....2 of my friends have also stopped smoking after they went there”.
Donna, Brisbane, 2016
NB: All testimonials have come from real clients. Dates mentioned are dates that we have received the testimonial from either email or Social Media comments.
* The success of hypnosis therapy depends greatly on the client’s ability to relax and their desire to create change in themselves. Results of a client’s sessions depend greatly upon their own serious participation, and as much as we are known for our results we can not offer any guarantee of the success of any sessions. However we do everything reasonably in our power to ensure each client’s success.